Thursday, February 10, 2011

This Exciting Thing Called Life! - Free 5 Part Mini-Course

I've created a Free mini-course called "The 5 Secrets To A Healthy Lifestyle".

Tomorrow morning I will be posting Part 1, so be looking for it!

The introduction is below. It's loaded with tips to help you stay focused on feeling your best and taking care of yourself so you don't miss one bit of this exciting thing called life!!!

Hope you enjoy!


Welcome to this 5 part mini-course!

Although this is the introduction, I want to give you a practical tid bit that you can apply right now to your life and start benefiting immediately from this mini-course.

Tid Bit #1: Living a healthy lifestyle starts with awareness!

That's right, you must be aware! Awareness starts by understanding this important truth in order to live a healthy lifestyle:

"Your body is like a boat. If a hole develops in the front part of the boat, the whole ship is going to be affected"! - The whole ship will sink, you can't sink just part of a ship!

So what does this have to do with awareness? Good question!

Your body has many different sections and systems that are "built in".

When one of these "systems" are affected or misaligned it can affect dozens (even hundreds) of different parts of the body.

There is something called "nerve interference" that can cause anything from headaches to ear aches to irritability. BE AWARE! Start to take notice.

When you start feeling symptoms such as Headaches, Lower Back Pain, Mid and Upper Back Pain, Neck Pain, Asthma, Neuritis, Sinus Trouble, Digestive Problems, Nervousness, Shoulder or Arm Pain, Leg Pain, Sciatica, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dizziness, Joint Stiffness, Muscle Spasms, Numbness and Tingling, Low Energy and even Stress...... this is your body's way of telling you that there's a hole somewhere in the ship, and if you don't fix it, it's going to get worse and eventually sink the entire ship!

When you experience these symptoms, the first step is to rule out nerve interference.

Chances are, the nerves are being disrupted and with a little adjustment, your body then can start to use it's built in systems to heal the problem naturally!

Remember to be smart and be aware! Don't be fooled by symptoms!

Check back in a few days for Part 1!

This report is brought to you by Dr. Gary Callioni