Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup

How to Get Rid of Hiccups or Heartburn - What Really Works

We’ve all heard the old home remedies and old wives tales for getting rid of hiccups. Getting scared, holding your breath, drinking water, fake burping (yeah, I’ve heard that one). Most of us have tried most of them with little or no success. So what does work? This:

For adults or children - Get a tablespoon of sugar, put it in your mouth, grin and bear it while it dissolves.

For toddlers or infants - Mix a teaspoon of sugar with half an ounce of water and have them drink it. For infants still on a slow-flow or medium-flow nipple, please be careful. Water is much thinner than formula/milk and comes out much faster, so let your baby get a sip or two, take a couple second break, and go in again.

That’s all… Really. My son had horrible hiccups when he was a baby - bad enough to make him cry - and this always worked like a charm. I’ve also never had the “Spoonful of Sugar” remedy fail for myself or friends and family.

For heartburn, obviously you can simply take a few Rolaids or Tums, but some doctors recommend against one or both of these if you’re pregnant. Many people also don’t like the taste or texture of these two products, and taking them regularly can be bad for you. Here are some tips for avoiding heartburn and getting rid of it once you have it.

Don’t drink milk- This is a very common suggestion, and while it may feel very good to drink milk when you have heartburn, you’re actually making your problem worse. The fat and calcium in milk actually cause your stomach to make *more* acid.

Don’t lie down - This just makes the acid’s upward travel easier. Try to stay upright, or at least prop your upper half up a little.

Try Ranitidine - This is just the generic name of Zantac. You can get it OTC for fairly cheap, and it’s a pill, not something you have to chew up, so it’s easier to take than a chewable or liquid antacid.

What what/how much you eat- Avoid spicy and greasy foods. Spicy foods cause more acid, and greasy foods sit in your stomach longer, keeping it fuller longer. Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine as well. Also avoid over-eating. If there isn’t enough room in your stomach, it’s going to push acid upward.

Relax - Stress can cause heartburn.

Don’t eat before bed - You should really wait a minimum of 2 hours after eating to lie down for the night, so try eating dinner earlier or avoiding late night snacks.
- Kelli, Factoidz

Chiropractic Rehab Center and
Advanced Wellness Studio
(859) 331-9566

Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup