Friday, April 23, 2010

Afternoon Energy Boost

Massage your head and shoulders. Find trigger points of tension in the shoulders and base of the skull. Hold pressure for 6 - 10 seconds. Don't forget your face and jaw.

Exercise of the Day

Actually today is a stretch - The Cat Stretch

Starting Position

Go to the floor - on your hands and knees, with your hands shoulder-width apart, knees hip-width apart, abs engaged, and back flat (spine neutral).


Relax the abs as if dropping your belly towards the floor beneath you, arching your back, tilting your pelvic bone back and lifting your chest. Look towards the ceiling without straining your neck.

Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds.

Special Instructions

Stretch to the point of "mild discomfort," not to the point of pain. Never bounce. Pull your shoulders away from your ears.

Muscles Stretched: Abs

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Afternoon Energy Boost

The most effective way to fight energy lulls is with heavy doses of good stretching and good breathing. Shoot for five minutes of mental or physical activity per hour, for every hour at the computer.

Exercise of the Day

Lying Abduction with Band

Starting Position

Begin by lying on your back with a resistance band wrapped around your feet. The band should be snug around your feet, but not too tight. Lift your legs off the ground so they are perpendicular to the floor.


Keep your legs straight (but not locked) and spread your legs apart pushing against the resistance band. Go out (wide) about as far as you can without putting too much strain on your lower back. Slowly release to bring your feet back together. Try doing 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Special Instructions

Make sure to push out just as much with your non-dominant leg as your dominant leg - keep it balanced. You can spread your arms out to your side, palms down or near your buttocks to help with balance and lower back strain.

Muscles Worked: Outer Thigh, Hips.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Afternoon Energy Boost!

You see the computer screen, but you really don't. It's more like a two-foot blur. Your eyes are between open and closed, although you're not sure where. At the moment, you have no idea what you're working on. And it's only 3pm. Sound familiar? Is this a typical afternoon or morning? Are you looking for an energy boost? There are numerous ways to stay energetic all day.

Tip #1:
Did you realize bad posture alone can give your brain up to 30% less blood and oxygen?

Credit: Mike Kramer and Liz Noelcke

Why your sugary diet may be putting your health at risk again | Eating Well

Why your sugary diet may be putting your health at risk again Eating Well

Exercise of the Day

Hip Flexor:

Starting Position

Stand with feet slightly apart, toes forward, hands on hips or one hand on a wall/chair for support. Shift weight to right leg, keeping knee slightly bent and spine straight.


Exhale: Gradually lift the left leg, keeping it bent at 90 degrees. Lift knee as high as possible, trying to get thigh parallel to floor or higher. Hold here for 2 counts.

Inhale: Slowly lower leg to ground without letting foot rest on the floor. Complete all reps and switch sides.

Special Instructions

Make sure you aren't leaning back when lifting leg. Also, try to make the entire movement very slow and controlled.

Muscles Worked: Hips, Upper Thigh, Glute.

Office exercise: How to burn calories while you work -

Office exercise: How to burn calories while you work -

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

DVR Alert: Set Your DVR for Wednesday Night - Food, Inc.

Wednesday night (April 21), PBS will be airing "Food, Inc.". This is a must see.

It will change what you think about your food and about what you eat. The documentary examines the food industry and how its practices impact consumer health, worker safety and the environment.

I feel it should be watched more than once.

I hope to burn some DVD's and have them available in the office for patients.

It is airing at 9:00 pm on channel 13 here in NKY. Look on to check your own local listing.

*It shows up on my TV Guide as "P.O.V".