Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pregnancy and Low Back Pain

By her 9th month a pregnant woman has 13 pounds sitting on her pelvis. Chiropractic care can help alleviate this pressure and stress. We are a leading Northern Kentucky Chiropractic Office with the knowledge and experience in treating pregnant women with chiropractic care:

9 Healthy Gift Ideas For Mom

Make a difference today.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Everyday We're Shrinking......!

Humans don't just shrink with age. They shrink EVERY DAY.

Humans shrink and regain height daily, sometimes as much as 3/4 of an inch in one day. When we move throughout the day, the fluid disks in in our spinal column compress and we shrink. When we rest at night our backbones reabsorb the fluid and our height comes back.

As our bodies degenerate over time, our ability to grow back our height diminishes over time. This contributes to the loss of height that occurs as we age. It's not uncommon to lose two whole inches by the time we hit 60 years old.

Which do you Take Two at a Time?

"A Man's Health can be Judged by which he Takes Two at a Time - Pills or Stairs" ~Joan Welsh

Stop Sloughing!

For every inch your head drops forward as you're slouching, the stress on your spine increases by 10 pounds. So sit up straight!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feeling Tense?

If you are feeling tense, take a deep breath in - do your ribs feel tense? Tense your ribs up even more, then let them go. Breathe again. Easier now?


Some people want things to happen, some wish things would happen, other make things happen. Make something happen today!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Afternoon Energy Boost Tip

On the phone a lot? Buy a cordless or cell and move around while talking. Provides a little exercise and helps with staying awake and keeping focused.