Saturday, May 1, 2010

What To Do the Day Before Running a Marathon

I came across this and thought I would share it with the Flying Pig Marathon (#Flyingpig) runners:

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cool Fact About Walking

If you walk and talk with someone, eventually you will synchronize your steps with each other.

Interpersonal synchronization of stepping happens when people walk side-by-side. Little is known about this, but it has practical uses in therapy. In 2009, this phenomenon was the subject of a study to help impaired people in rehabilitation. Subjects were paired together to walk on treadmills side-by-side. The result? People started walking faster to keep up with their partners.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A fun preschool day today with my girls! Spoke to my 4 year olds class about Health and Wellness and about being a Chiropractor. I was so impressed with their knowledge, enthusiam and interest in being healthy! Then my 3 year old had a school program - they all did great - very entertaining! Tooks lots of photos, video, etc. I love being a dad!

Do You Need a Memory Boost?

The results are in: Yoga breathing can significantly improve memory. In particular, yoga breathing can improve spatial memory. This is the part of memory responsible for recording information about your environment. Spatial memory keeps track of where things are that you can see, where things are that you can't see, where you are, and how that all fits together. If you tend to have difficulty remembering where you put your keys or finding your way around large cities, then you may benefit from some intentional breathing.

What exactly is meant by yoga breathing? Several types of yoga breathing were included in the studies that revealed the astounding improvement in spatial memory. These included pranayama (voluntary regulation of breathing), nostril breathing (left, right, or alternating), and simple breathe awareness.

Heavy breathing during aerobic exercise won't cut it. One study of 85 elderly adults found that 16 weeks of aerobic training yielded no improvement in memory retrieval scores. Yet, a study of 108 individuals practicing nostril breathing or breathe awareness, found that they experienced an average 87% improvement in spatial memory scores after only 10 days. Another study had 30 children practice yoga breathing for 10 days. The children experienced a 43% increase in spatial memory scores.

Yoga breathing is easy to do and can be done just about anywhere at any time. There are many other benefits ascribed to breathe awareness besides improved memory, including stress relief and increased attention span. The following is a simple nostril breathing exercise. Try this exercise for at least a week and experience the benefits of intentional breathing:

-Try to sit with your head, neck and spine in a straight line.
-You will inhale through one nostril, hold the breath, then exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4 counts.
-Use the thumb and ring/pinky fingers of your right hand to close the right and left nostrils respectively, and close both nostrils when you hold the breath.
-Once each nostril has had a chance to inhale and exhale, this is called a round. Start with 3 rounds a day and build up slowly to twenty rounds, extending the count within the 2:8:4 ratio (for example, 4:16:8).

Madden DJ, Blumenthal JA, Allen PA, Emery CF. Improving aerobic capacity in healthy older adults does not necessarily lead to improved cognitive performance. Psychol Aging. 1989 Sep;4(3):307-20.
Manjunath NK, Telles S. Spatial and verbal memory test scores following yoga and fine arts camps for school children. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2004 Jul;48(3):353-6.
Naveen KV, Nagarathna R, Nagendra HR, Telles S. Yoga breathing through a particular nostril increases spatial memory scores without lateralized effects. Psychol Rep. 1997 Oct;81(2):555-61.
Research shows yoga breathing can drastically improve memory. Try this simple exercise for a week and experience the benefits of intentional breathing.

Career Day!

Looking forward to speaking to my daughter's preschool class today about Health and Wellness and about being a Chiropractor! Will be alot of fun!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


If you don't do what's best for your body, you're the one who come up on the short end - Julius Erving

Stretching Tip

When stretching don't rush! Stretching is as important as what you're going to do after you stretch. And, if you rush, you might pull a muscle or worse. Be sure to include 10 to 15 minutes of stretching as part of your exercise time.

Cell Phone Elbow?!

With over half the planet going mobile, could "cell phone elbow" be the latest thing we have to worry about? Technically know as cubital tunnel syndrome, the condition can be brought on when holding a phone to the ear causes the ulnar nerve behind the elbow to become irritated. Currently, it's more common among men, with symptoms including aching, numbness and tingling.

If any of those symptoms sound familiar, a chiropractor can identify the cause and develop a treatment plan for you. But, you might be able to avoid the condition altogether by using a headset or hands-free device when talking.

In today's world people are on their phone all day long. So it's no wonder chiropractors are seeing more and more patients suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome. For more information call (859) 331-9566 or visit

~ Foundation for Chiropractic Progress

Garlic Anyone?

One to two garlic pods chopped and swallowed with water first thing in the morning can keep heart ailments at bay, reduce cholesterol, increase BMR, and boost the immune system. (Just make sure you use some Listerine afterwards)!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Afternoon Energy Boost Tip

Lift 1 - 3 packs of printer paper in each hand. Curl them like weights or lift them over your head.

Daily Exercise Tip - Try the Banana!


Starting Position
Lie on floor with legs together, arms extended overhead, belly button pulled in toward spine.

Keeping head between arms, slowly raise upper body and legs off floor to form a gentle bananalike curve. Hold for a slow 30 counts.

Special Instructions
Don't hold your breath! Try to keep breathing steady and even. Concentrate on holding abs in.

Muscles Worked: Abs, Shoulders

Got Milk? Read This....

Read this before you have your next glass of milk:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Exercise of the Day

Seated Knee Lifts with Chair

Starting Position
Sit on edge of chair, knees bent, feet flat. Grasp sides of chair, lean back slightly.

EXHALE: Pull knees toward chest as you crunch upper body forward using abs, not arms.

INHALE: Lower feet almost to floor, but don't let them touch until the end of the set.

Special Instructions
This movement should be slow and controlled. Don't let the momentum of your legs do the work for you, and don't let gravity snap your legs down as you return to the starting position.

Muscles Worked: Abs

Afternoon Energy Boost Tip

Feeling a little sluggish? Try this:

Do a few jumping jacks. Simple, quick and pumps you up!

Did you take your multi-vitamin today?

Start Living NOW!

Are you spending the best years of your life waiting on the best years of your life? Start living NOW!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


"Pain is temporary, quitting lasts forever" - Lance Armstrong

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