Friday, July 23, 2010

How to Jumpstart Your Fitness Plan

Tip #1 - Set Goals

Creating new challenges is imperative to keeping you motivated. Motivation is critical if you are to ever get up off that couch and move. When you set your fitness goals, you need to be realistic. If you make a goal that is impossible or extremely difficult to make, you will get discouraged and possibly quit all together.

Break your goals up. Create a list for short term goals and one for long term goals. An example of a short term goal is to run a small race in 6 months, while a long term goal is to run a marathon within 18 months. Having a long term goal will keep you moving towards that goal once your short term goals have been met.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Who's Ready For Snack Time?

Here are 10 healthy options for the mid-day munchies:

Ever failed on a healthy eating plan because you denied hunger and ended up overeating later? Most healthy eating plans become more successful when you snack throughout the day. Snacking helps control your appetite and can prevent you from overindulging later on. In order for snacking to be effective, your snacks should be satisfying and eaten in moderation between meals. "A snack should fill you up, be reasonably nutritious, and be in the 100 to 200 calorie range," Tara Gidus, R.D., of the American Dietetic Association says. Tamar Haspel from Women’s Health gives us 10 snack ideas that will keep us satisfied, from

1. Kashi Chewy Granola Bars are around 130 calories and contain 4 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein. The protein and fiber will keep your hunger at bay and you'll avoid overdoing your calorie intake.

2. Frozen vegetables and fruit, such as peas and grapes, provide a good source of fiber while remaining low in calories.

3. Total yogurt, such as Fage Total 0% Yogurt, is fulfilling because it is full of protein. It has no fat and has 80 calories a serving. Adding a few drops of liquid stevia and some blueberries makes this an ideal snack.

4. Add apples to any snack or try apples and peanut butter. This treat is high in fiber and low in calories. Rui Hai Liu, Ph.D., an apple researcher at Cornell University states, "The best way to lose weight is to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. That increases volume and decreases calorie density."

5. Try microwaveable oatmeal. "Studies have found that oatmeal is more filling than dry cereal with the same calories and fiber content," Gidus says. Oatmeal has an array of health benefits such as insoluble and soluble fiber, countless vitamins, protein and fiber. Adding liquid or powder stevia to plain oatmeal produces sweetness without added calories. Top it off with blueberries for more flavor.

6. Soy chips are a low fat, high fiber and protein snack. Soy protein has shown to help aid in weight loss and cause a decrease weight loss in more fat than muscle. "The isoflavones in soy act like estrogen and inhibit the enzyme that facilitates fat deposits" said Paul Cooke, Ph.D., a soy researcher at the University of Illinois.

7. Frozen juice bars are a low calorie snack that also provides vitamins.

8. Barbara’s Cinnamon Puffins is a cereal that contains a high amount of fiber. In a serving of ¾ of a cup, there are 100 calories and 6 grams of fiber.

9. Licorice contains glycyrrhetinic acid, an active ingredient proven to aid in the decrease of body fat. This candy blocks enzymes to prevent fat accumulation, as well as reducing your appetite. Instead of snacking on candy licorice, opt for a less artificial licorice by choosing one that is high in licorice extract.

10. Gum is a good option when you are mistaking your hunger for boredom. If you’re not really hungry, grab a piece of gum instead. It burns an additional 11 calories an hour, which can amount to a pound a year if you chew an hour a day. You are also saving yourself the additional calories you would have eaten in your snack.

What snacks do you munch on throughout the day? Please feel free to share your suggestions!

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