Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ways To Boost Your Memory

The results are in: yoga breathing can significantly improve memory. In particular, yoga breathing can improve spatial memory. This is the part of memory responsible for recording information about your environment. Spatial memory keeps track of where things are that you can see, where things are that you can't see, where you are, and how that all fits together. If you tend to have difficulty remembering where you put your keys or finding your way around large cities, then you may benefit from some intentional breathing.

What exactly is meant by yoga breathing? Several types of yoga breathing were included in the studies that revealed the astounding improvement in spatial memory. These included pranayama (voluntary regulation of breathing), nostril breathing (left, right, or alternating), and simple breathe awareness.

Heavy breathing during aerobic exercise won't cut it. One study of 85 elderly adults found that 16 weeks of aerobic training yielded no improvement in memory retrieval scores. Yet, a study of 108 individuals practicing nostril breathing or breathe awareness, found that they experienced an average 87% improvement in spatial memory scores after only 10 days. Another study had 30 children practice yoga breathing for 10 days. The children experienced a 43% increase in spatial memory scores.

Yoga breathing is easy to do and can be done just about anywhere at any time. There are many other benefits ascribed to breathe awareness besides improved memory, including stress relief and increased attention span. The following is a simple nostril breathing exercise. Try this exercise for at least a week and experience the benefits of intentional breathing:

-Try to sit with your head, neck and spine in a straight line.
-You will inhale through one nostril, hold the breath, then exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4 counts.
-Use the thumb and ring/pinky fingers of your right hand to close the right and left nostrils respectively, and close both nostrils when you hold the breath.
-Once each nostril has had a chance to inhale and exhale, this is called a round. Start with 3 rounds a day and build up slowly to twenty rounds, extending the count within the 2:8:4 ratio (for example, 4:16:8). (859) 331-9566

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Exercise of the Day (For Better Posture)

Seated Rows with Dumbbells

A strong upper back improves your posture--and looks great too!

Starting Position
Begin by sitting on the floor, leaning back slightly with knees bent and feet on the ground. Hold the dumbbells out in front of your body with your arms straight and palms facing inward, so the dumbbells are at 90 degrees.

EXHALE: Bring dumbbells in towards your body at chest level as you squeeze your elbows behind your back as far as possible. INHALE: Return to starting position. Try doing 2 sets with 10-12 repetitions.

Special Instructions
Keep elbows in towards the body, but not completely against the body, as you go through the movement.

Muscles Worked: Upper back, Biceps, Shoulders

Time Involved: 4 minutes

Body Benefit: Better posture

Back Pain... Is it Serious?

If you search the web for back pain you will find over 64 million results. The reason for this is that nearly everyone at some time or another experiences some kind of back pain. Low back pain is the most common with pain between the shoulder blades coming in second.

While no one reading this will find it unusual for a chiropractor to be speaking about back pain I will tell you that not all chiropractors will tell you that the back pain you’re experiencing may be due to a serious problem. After all, pain is a warning sign from your body that is telling you something is wrong. Many people experience additional symptoms when they have back pain that include leg pain, tingling, numbness, muscular weakness, changes in bowel function (constipation & diarrhea), sexual dysfunction and bladder control issues.

Do those symptoms sound serious? Well, they are. They are evidence of a serious neurological dysfunction. I will tell you that these patients have what’s called a subluxation. A sub lux what? Is what lots of you are saying right now. A subluxation is just a fancy chiropractic word that means there is a damaged joint, causing nerve dysfunction that is causing a problem somewhere in the body.

When a person gets a subluxation he or she has experienced some kind of trauma that starts the process. Sometimes it’s not a particularly big trauma and goes unnoticed. If left untreated the subluxation gets worse and eventually the degenerative disk disease begins. As the degenerative disc disease progresses in the low back people can develop not just pain but all the terrible symptoms described above including bowel and bladder functional changes, sexual dysfunction and numbness & tingling.

If you develop back pain you should get checked out right away. As with all health issues, back pain is easier to fix the sooner the cause is treated. A good chiropractor is the only type of practitioner that can remove the subluxation for you because that is what chiropractors are trained to do.

Now, to be fair, physical therapy and acupuncture can help to alleviate some types of back pain and some back pain will go away by itself. However, the subluxation will not be gone and that is what is so insidious about your back pain. The pain is often the last part of the subluxation to show up and the first to leave. Don’t be fooled, get checked out. Don’t let the degenerative disc disease progress.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Question of the Day

When was the last time that you truly felt good? If you want to feel good again, we can help. (859) 331-9566

Vitamin B12:

Vitamin B12 has been found to... RELIEVE Low Back Pain.