Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The 5 Secrets To A Healthy Lifestyle - Part 1

Hi Friends!

Here's Part 1 of your free mini-course called
"The 5 Secrets To A Healthy Lifestyle".

Secret #1: Stay Active

Activity is key to staying healthy and getting the
most from your body and life.

Activity causes your body's internal systems to stay "oiled and greased". Did you ever have an old vehicle sitting around. Maybe an old car or pick up that just sat in your driveway for a while.

Did you ever see what happens to that vehicle when it's inactive? It rots away! Sometimes fails to start and after a while, fails to work at all.

Airplane engineers estimate that an airplane will degenerate twice as fast if it's not used and sits on the ground. However, when it's used consistently, it stays healthy and has a much longer life expectancy.

Chiropractic care keeps body systems flowing and operable, but you must send the message to your body also with regular physical activity.

Our body is designed to atrophy with lack of use.

This means that it's designed to go away and disintegrate without use.

For instance, if you were to tie your arm to your side and not use it, after a few weeks it would atrophy and start to "go away."

Believe it or not, eventually that arm would become totally useless!

Your whole body works the same way.

Start by doing something everyday that constitutes activity. Maybe go for a walk around the block, swim, or walk the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Start doing something and not only become healthier and more physically able, but you'll also see a
surge in energy that will motivate you to keep going!

Our next Secret is something you're going to have a love-hate relationship with, yet it's very important!

Until next time!

This report is brought to you by
Dr. Gary Callioni
Chiropractic Rehab Center
618 Buttermilk Pike
Crescent Springs, Ky 41017
(859) 331-9566