Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cell Phone Elbow?!

With over half the planet going mobile, could "cell phone elbow" be the latest thing we have to worry about? Technically know as cubital tunnel syndrome, the condition can be brought on when holding a phone to the ear causes the ulnar nerve behind the elbow to become irritated. Currently, it's more common among men, with symptoms including aching, numbness and tingling.

If any of those symptoms sound familiar, a chiropractor can identify the cause and develop a treatment plan for you. But, you might be able to avoid the condition altogether by using a headset or hands-free device when talking.

In today's world people are on their phone all day long. So it's no wonder chiropractors are seeing more and more patients suffering from cubital tunnel syndrome. For more information call (859) 331-9566 or visit

~ Foundation for Chiropractic Progress