Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tips for Reducing Back Pain While Driving

After hours of driving, even minor back pain can become unbearable. One way to ease some of the pain is to make frequent stops, stepping out of the car, and placing your hands on your hips and leaning backwards. Occasionally, however, this may not be enough to chase away the pain from driving.

Here are a few tips for reducing back pain that is caused by driving for a long period of time:

•Stretch out slowly in the morning. Avoid vigorous exercise because it is at this time that discs are most filled with fluid and especially prone to injury.

•If you are headed out the door for your commute, put your wallet in your breast pocket. The bulk of a wallet can press on the sciatic nerve when you sit and drive.

•If you use your mobile phone in the car, remember to use your wireless headset, don’t cradle the phone on your neck while you drive as it can increase your buildup of back and neck strain. Also, if your seat is too soft it could be adding more stress to your back.

•While you are driving, learn to recognize tension. Put on relaxing music. Try reducing muscle tension by stretching one leg and arm at a time.

•Park your car the farthest possible distance from where you work. The walk will do you and your back good, and it may be the only exercise you’ll grab before you begin the commute home again.

If you don’t have the benefit of a seat with lumbar support try these tips to help reduce the amount of stress on your lower back.

•Insert a small, rolled towel against the base of your spine. The towel should be placed at or slightly below the belt line. This will place the lumbar spine into a neutral position.

•Adjust the angle of your hips relative to your knees. Anytime you are in a sitting position and your knees are higher than your hips, your back will flex into a forward-bent position. A simple way to adjust your position is to place one or two folded towels underneath your buttocks, bringing your hips in line with your knees. It may feel awkward at first as you are higher in the seat, but it will also prevent you from having pain.

For more information please call our office at (859) 331-9566 or visit our website at: www.nkychiropractor.com

Portions of these tips were taken from Medical News Today and Zero Pain.