Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Processed Poison: A New Meat Study

If you have a sandwich in one hand and a mouse in the other, I can guarantee you that you’re not going to like this article. A new study sheds light on the dangers of processed meats. That means favorites like sausage, bacon, hot dogs and deli meats. These tasty items are linked to a 42% increase in heart disease and 19% increase in the risk of developing diabetes. And we’re not talking a lot of it either. A daily 1.8 ounce serving [that’s one hot dog, folks!] was enough to increase risk.

The good news is that unprocessed meats like lamb and beef did not demonstrate the same health risks. The obvious conclusion is that, once again, the food industry is poisoning us for profits. The chemicals used in the processing are the culprits, not the meat itself.

Of course, the president of the American Meat Institute said that these facts are no reason to make dietary changes. And you can trust him. So just forget the whole thing and finish that salami sandwich. In the meantime, I have a refrigerator to clean out.