Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How to Customize Your Facebook Profile URL

Hi! Maybe all of you already know this, but in my crash course on Facebook I came across this and was so excited! A way to get a short URL address for your Facebook Profile or Page (you can get rid of the huge, long address)! Here is my new one: http://ping.fm/joYGs

Here is the article on how to do it:
by: Joanna - February 24, 2009
At least a few times a week I see a tweet roll by asking the Twitterverse “Where someone can find their personalized Facebook profile URL?” I also get emailed quite a bit by jobseekers, inquiring as to if this exists, and if they can just create one that will go there, like: “http://ping.fm/gIMrA (enter name here). I have even seen some people give up trying to locate the illusive URL altogether by posting a link to the Facebook homepage as their own and bylining it with “Search:____ (Enter name here). (I am going to give bonus points to those people for being creative, but I sure hope they read this post.)

The truth is –none of us HAVE personalized Facebook profile URLs. Unlike Myspace, Twitter, linkedin, flickr, and so on, Facebook didn’t quite lace this one in there when they launched. Instead an application surfaced about two years ago that enables you to give yourself a customized profile URL, as well as give your groups and fan pages personalized links. Considering how important customization is in personal branding, I thought I would throw down a quick tutorial on how to add and use this application to give yourself a clean, name branded Facebook URL.

First go to http://ping.fm/py0h2

Then on the right click “Go to Application.”
It will redirect you to a screen, where you will have to allow the application access. Click “Allow.”
You will be redirect to another screen where you will have to click “Add to Info.”
A layer will come up, and you will have to again agree to “Add” this application.
The application is added to the bottom of your profile.
You must go scroll down to it and click “Keep.”
It is from here that you can customize a web address.
You get three options for a profile:
- http://ping.fm/q7wLD
- www.profile.to/YourChoice
- http://ping.fm/I5A8e

Once on that page there are other options for Pages for businesses, etc.

That’s all there is to it! It really only takes a few minutes, but will definitely come in handy moving forward. Having your name searchable, and clearly identified across your profiles will become more and more important as the job search continues to infiltrate the social network space. So go do it. No really, if you haven’t already… go do it now. There you gooooooo. Here is my new shortened link again ;) http://ping.fm/nV1vr

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